Mummy Makes Money

Family, finance, career and everything in-between

In the starting blocks

Let’s start at the very beginning – a very good place to start” – Maria, Sound of Music.

So where are we at then? Reasonable question.

The reason the Grand Plan is called the ‘Grand’ and not just ‘Plan’ is because the end goal is ambitious and a long way off. However, it’s also not called the ‘Impossible’ Plan for a reason.

I’ve always been careful and conscious of money and, while I wasn’t always clear on a particular goal, I’ve always (or nearly always…) tried to make smart financial decisions.

For example, I chose to work to save the money needed for various stages of my further education, rather than just adding to existing student loans. I generally avoided credit card debt throughout my life (except for specific reasons, such as house renovation). And I have an abiding love for all things secondhand and zero pride in accepting hand-me-downs (which is brilliant when you have kids).

No doubt I will touch on the various steps that helped me get to where I am now, but for the purposes of setting out the starting blocks of the Grand Plan, here is where I’m currently at:

  • Mortgage free home (still in need of some minor renovation i.e. we currently have no kitchen – which is a bit inconvenient, to be honest).
  • A six-figure sum to be invested. I feel the same about investing this as I do about ice-water plunging: I understand that everyone raves about how good it is for you, and how you great you will feel afterwards – but that doesn’t make me any less reluctant to do it…
  • Two incomes in the family that, combined, bring in a six figure sum annually – while I still work a 4 day week.

So – a good place to start and it has taken many years to get to this point and a fair amount of sacrifice.

Actually, if there is one message that I would like to share about my financial journey, it’s that it has involved a whole lot of sacrifice. I sometimes think that people look at the results of others and don’t see how much labour, effort and missing out on the ‘luxury fun stuff’ has gone into achieving that.

In fact, because we have sacrificed so much over already in comfort and, sometimes, peace of mind, part of my Grand Plan is to try and ease up the restrictions slightly – to enjoy the journey a bit more, not just focus on the destination – even if it means we get to the end point slightly slower (a lesson echoed by the, ever so wise, Mr 1500 days back in 2017).

So I will continue to try and push forward (and get those savings invested!) while also allowing a few splurges here and there to keep things fun and not burn out before reading the finish line.

About Me

37 years old. Mum to two lovely, exhausting, amazing kids (7 and 3). Partner to an amazing, supportive man. Earner of the primary wage. Dreamer of big financial dreams. Holder of the Sleep-deprivation Crown 2016-to date. Winner of the ‘Frazzled at the School Gates’ beauty competition 2023. Superwoman on a good day. Evil demon queen on a bad one. Aiming for more good days than bad.

I am woman – hear me roar” – Helen Reddy