Mummy Makes Money

Family, finance, career and everything in-between

The Grand Plan

No-one reads blogs anymore apparently. Is that right? I think it probably is. If we don’t have our content provided to us in chunks of no more than a couple of seconds these days, we lose interest and scroll straight past. So here’s me – starting a blog when no-one reads blogs anymore.

How very ‘on brand’ of me. Makes perfect sense really.

I’ve never been able to quite bring myself to follow the crowd. Sometimes this has backfired (see me circa. early 2012: “the iPad is the most ridiculous idea – it will never take off, trust me” – a real finger-on-the-pulse moment for me right there) and sometimes it has really really paid off. See me at 35: buying a house in cash.

So yeah, blogging – here we are. Maybe no-one will read it. That’s ok. I’m not writing here in the expectation of being the next Tik-tok star and no slimming tea company is likely to offer me an endorsement any time soon (hard pass if they wish to try though). No, the reason I’m writing here is because I have a Grand Plan and I thought it would be fun to document it somewhere.

The Grand Plan is that I wish to be sufficiently financially independent to retire early. Like, really early. Like – ideally by about 45 (although that is hopelessly optimistic) but at least by 50. I’m 37 (nearly 38) now so that gives me 12 years.

I am not a trust fund baby nor a Silicon Valley tech wizz (see iPad opinion above). There are no billions winging their way over to me any time soon. What I am is a woman with a demanding career, a parter and two young kids. The juggle between those aspects of my life sometimes (read: fairly often) tips me over the edge. It is never easy. There are no ‘days off’ – hell, there’s rarely even any ‘hours off’. It’s full on. All the time. Every day. And I would really, really, REALLY like to get off the treadmill before I’m too old to enjoy it all. So what do busy people do when they have too much on their plates? Well – if you’re me, you add more. Like setting insane goals to become financially independent as soon as possible and then, while you’re at it, writing a blog about it too!

Who knows, maybe it will all prove to be too much to keep going.

But that’s ok, because no-one reads blogs anymore anyway.

About Me

37 years old. Mum to two lovely, exhausting, amazing kids (7 and 3). Partner to an amazing, supportive man. Earner of the primary wage. Dreamer of big financial dreams. Holder of the Sleep-deprivation Crown 2016-to date. Winner of the ‘Frazzled at the School Gates’ beauty competition 2023. Superwoman on a good day. Evil demon queen on a bad one. Aiming for more good days than bad.

I am woman – hear me roar” – Helen Reddy